We Rocked the Room!

Recently, the 2024 Early Childhood Development (ECD) Conference was held at the Marriott Hotel in Kigali, Rwanda. Shelter Them kids from our ECDC in Gateko were selected to perform cultural dances at the event.

As you can see from the photo, though the delegates at first tried to maintain their decorum, before long they were dancing up a storm with our kids.
They couldn’t help themselves!
The energy was contagious!

Of course, the conference had a serious purpose. Representatives from the public sectors, from non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders were meeting to discuss the future of early childhood education in Rwanda.

A key focus was to find ways to reach the 20% of children in Rwanda who lack access to ECD services. We have to believe that the performance of our young dancers inspired the participants at the conference by showing the positive impact on children of having an excellent early childhood educational program in Gateko.

We at Shelter Them are so fortunate to have an experienced, energetic, and committed staff, led by our Educational Coordinator, Julius Twahirwa, who deliver one of the best ECD programs in the country.

But it was our young dancers, through their talent, enthusiasm, and joy, who showed all those delegates the value of such a program.

Congratulations to all our young dancers! You rock!!