Farming and Saving Cooperative
The Farming and Saving Cooperative, Tubeho Neza, empowers adult beneficiaries of Shelter Them to change their livelihood economically through farming. This cooperative currently has 36 members, but the number of members is increasing as the cooperative proves its success. This project was initiated with the intent to empower Shelter Them beneficiaries to free themselves from dependency and achieve economic self-sufficiency. Members contribute to a joint savings plan, so they can purchase seed and more land. Shelter Them has helped in their endeavor, for example, with the construction of a drying facility for the cooperative’s crops, but the group makes its own decisions about its future direction, leading them to the ultimate goal of independence and sustainability.
In 2023, Tubeho Neza expanded its operations through the acquisition of new land. Members also received technical training from a professional agronomist to transition from traditional to more modern and profitable farming techniques.
Tubeho Neza has also undertaken the management of one of the water points in the village provided by Shelter Them. The other point is beside the Community Centre, where the ECDC is located. The co-op oversees the fair and efficient distribution of water, fulfilling its obligation to the local water board. Money earned from this work has been reinvested to ensure sustainable growth and community development.